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A compilation of hints and tips on how to handle living in a severe drought scenario. These hints and tips are willingly shared by the people of Cape Town, and are aimed at whoever is in need - now - or in future, in order to ease their stress when faced with water shedding / shortages due to a drought


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Sunday 4 February 2018

Register with e-Services to submit your monthly water meter reading

Tired of estimated water meter consumption on your monthly muncipal account?  The power is in your hands...

André Swart shared his post.
We see so many posts about very high estimated accounts. Understandably, the recipients of said accounts are Unusually Unhappy, and some reach for the Prozac, while others sharpen the pitchforks.

Let me put some perspective on this issue. Some of you may not like what I am going to say. For that reason, I will add a ‘disclaimer’ – ‘If the shoe fits…….’

Let us start by investigating the reason for estimated readings. The CoCT has MORE than 650 000 water meters to read. To read all of them EVERY MONTH, an ARMY of meter readers will be required. Basic math states that more than 21 666 meters must be read every day, weekends included. This is not possible, and for that reason the by-laws (have we all even read them…?) allow for estimated readings. We don’t like it, especially if the estimates are done over December, but we need to know it is legal. Furthermore, we need to understand that the City, as do many other companies, most probably has a closed agreement with the relevant workers unions. These agreements may require workers to go on leave over December. They may also require a minimum amount of days that leave must be taken. I mention this because the company I used to manage had exactly such an agreement in place with the union. This is probably the reason for the many December estimates, as well as the extended time between readings over the holiday season.

Back to the point, how are estimates generated? The estimates are computer generated. It is not a person reading though all the accounts and subjectively deciding: “I don’t like your name or where you stay, I will now increase your estimate”. No, estimates are based on your own usage 12 months prior. There is a reason for that. Prior to the drought, most people’s water usage was consistent over time. In December guests were received, lawns were luscious, and pools were filled to the brim and refilled often. Everyone had a good time, and water usage for that property increased. Likewise, in July when we had good rains, we did not water our lawns and did not fill our pools. Usage thus dropped. So, a ‘heavy month’ in December 2016 would result in a ‘heavy’ estimation in December 2017. A ‘light month’ in July 2016 would result in a ‘light’ estimation in July 2017. Nothing sinister about this at all.

But I have brought my usage down, it is SO unfair… We have had water restrictions for a few years now. Many folks did not heed them and carried on with their water wasting habits. They used lots of water in 2016 and are now cheesed off with high estimates in 2017/2018. I can hear a chorus of ‘It is not my fault; the City must change the way they estimate…’. I agree, it is time the City reviews their estimation process to be more realistic. We have emailed them and have received response that they are aware of this and are working on it. When will this be done? We don’t know.

How can we ensure that we are not being hit by high estimates based on our OWN high usage 12 months prior? Changing direction in any government/municipal department takes time. That is a fact we must all accept. There are so many protocols to be followed, so much red tape, that it cannot be done b.m.o. a quick board room decision. The wise will understand and accept that. The wise will also take charge of their own water happiness.

It has been recommended many times and by many members on this Group for people to join e-Services. Perhaps some members were so distracted by the moans and groans and other non-value adding posts, that they just did not see this advice. The CoCT has made it possible for people to join their e-Services portal and to enter their own monthly water readings. You will even receive an SMS when it is time to enter the reading. It is simple to use, and you will never again suffer a high estimated account. It is also in line with 21st Century thinking where we start doing things for ourselves and depend less on others to do it for us.

Note: The meter readers are still roaming the street to read other meters, and they are not necessarily aware that you use e-services, so our advice is to enter the reading as soon as you receive the SMS.

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Samantha White Just a note for those who cannot get their account on e-services (I have been trying for a year and still no success but that is another story), you can also phone in your reading. You need the account number, meter number, your ID number and the reading. They also then give you the next date you need to phone the next one in.

Deon SmitGroup admin Bear in mind that only the owners of property can apply for e-services. The city has a contract with the owners and not with tenants.

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